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Exactly what does the Bible state about marriage?

Exactly what does the Bible state about marriage?

“God created man in the own image. Female and male He created them. Then Jesus blessed them, and Jesus believed to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth’ ” (Genesis 1:27, 28, NKJV).

Wedding is a simple social organization that’s been around for as far straight right back once we have actually historic records—either in secular sources or in the Bible—although this has taken various types at differing times plus in various countries.

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Two become one flesh

The Bible continues on to state that after Jesus created Eve “He brought her towards the guy. And Adam stated, ‘This happens to be bone tissue of my bones and flesh of my flesh.’ . . . Therefore a person shall keep their parents and start to become accompanied to their spouse, and additionally they shall be one flesh” (Genesis 2:22-24).

This account of the very most first marriage features the essential attribute of the godly marriage—a couple become “one flesh.” Obviously, they stay two people, however in God’s well suited for wedding the two become one—in function.

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